Lembar kerja ini kami susun dalam bentuk masih sangat terbatas. Pada beberapa bagian teks masih berupa pointers dan kalimat-kalimat instruksional. Hal ini bertujuan agar para pembaca lebih mampu me…
this book contain about : - Petroleum geology as a field of study - Basic vocabulary - Basic statistics etc
This Book Contents About : - Sedimentary Particles - Sedimentary Processes - Classifiying, NAming, and Historical Background of Sedimental Rocks - atc
This book contents about : - Suturing of pangea - Permo trassic devlopment of pangea - pangean disintegration : opening of the central atlantic the north atlantic and neo tethys atc
Principles of Stratigraphy reafferms the vital importance of stratigraphy to the earth sciences, and introduces the undergraduate to its key elements in a lively and interesting fashion. First r…
This third edition of Elements of Petroleum Geology is completely updated and revised to reflect the vast changes in the years since publication of the First Edition. This book is a useful primer f…
Lumpur pemboran merupakan faktor yang penting dalam operasi pemboran. Kecepatan pemboran, efisiensi, keselamatan dan biaya pemboran sangat tergantung dari lumpur pemboran yang dipakai. Lumpur pembo…